Join the Club
The Taupo Gliding Club is open for new members
The Taupo Gliding Club has currently around 32 Flying members and is located at the Centennial Park Airfield. Facilities include a clubhouse with bunkrooms, a kitchen with cooking facilities, a campsite with a shower and toilet block. A newsletter is posted to keep members informed of club activities and provide a duty roster for instructors, duty pilots and tow pilots.
There is no charge for instruction.
From 1st April to 31st March, annual subscription rates are:
Full Flying member $450
Associate Flying member $75
(must be a full member of another club)
Social member $50
Plus $50 annual insurance levy if flying club aircraft.
We offer discounts for Junior Flying members:
Junior Flying member (under 19) GNZ Affiliation fee only. $125
Plus $50 annual insurance levy if flying club aircraft.
For those joining after April the club rates will be "pro rata" for the time remaining in the financial year.
Club Member Rates
Glider charges range between $60 - $90 per hour or we have a scheme where you can pre-pay $900 for 30 hours of flying time.
The aero tow is charged to the release height.
Aero tow launches are based on height in hundreds of feet above sea level plus a $5.00 flag fall.
Therefore, a tow would be:
2500 feet $55
3000 feet $65
4000 feet $85
5000 feet $105
Conditions apply. Different rates apply to visiting overseas pilots.
Contact any of the committee for an application form or call the club on
07 3785627.